About Amanda Registered Nutrition Therapist

About Amanda

After helping to support people from diagosed chronic conditions for the last 10 years, I’ve discovered that no two individual clients are alike. Real, long-term therapeutic management seems to require a highly individualized wellness plan, usually including a combination of diet, nutritional and lifestyle changes. Over the course of your selected 3- or 6-month programme I will be committed to supporting your health aims and measuring your health gains.

Specialising in personalised precision nutrition, Amanda is a fully-qualified Registered Nutrition Therapy Practitioner mBANT regCNHC and one of a small group of Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioners currently in the UK.

With a keen interest in Functional Medicine, Amanda is focussed on optimum human nutrition as well as promoting good health and preventing disease. Amanda is a member of the Professional Association BANT (British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine) and is registered with the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council). She has also been studying personalised nutrition for over a decade and has completed a Masters degree in Nutritional Medicine from Surrey University, having previously undertaken a Bachelors degree (Hons) in Nutritional Therapy from Middlesex University and a Certificate as a Health and Wellbeing Coach. In addition, Amanda graduated with a Bachelors degree in German in 1990 and holds a Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

What triggered this committed drive to support health?

Amanda and her family have overcome their own health challenges which include PCOS/Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, joint pain, chronic post-viral infection and chronic fatigue as well as surviving and thriving enough after a traumatic head injury to earn 3 university degrees.

Previously, Amanda was in the healthcare industry for over 24 years, working with NHS doctors, nurses, pharmacists and many other healthcare professionals. Her focus was predominantly on gut health but encompassed other areas such as skin care, lipidology, dermatology and clinical nutrition. This experience has given her insight into conventional measures used in this area as well as when nutritional or integrative options may also be signposted.

Wishing to encourage and embrace integrated healthcare where appropriate, her training facilitates full collaboration with mainstream healthcare professionals. Amanda is a keen and vocal advocate for functional lifestyle medicine, utilising her knowledge of nutrition, the food that we eat and lifestyle choices that we all make, to assist good health in mind and body. She works closely with individuals to unravel their health conundrums, working in parallel with GPs and the NHS, and supports clients through the changes that encourage and nurture optimum health. This may include food choices, dietary changes, exercise and sleep. The science is in deconstructing a range of symptoms, side effects and problems and rebuilding a sustainable and integrated pathway to optimal health and wellbeing. Amanda works with her clients to find solutions to help them to feel better and get the most out of life.


New habits, new you!

Work with Amanda and share in a wealth of qualifications and experience to underpin your optimal nutritional healthcare.  Do it your way with 1-to-1 consultations and private, confidential and personalised plans. Invest in your health for a brighter new you!

More about Amanda