Medical Professionals Registered Nutrition Therapist

For Medical Healthcare Professionals

Dear Doctor and Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Healthcare Teams,

Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

CNHC was set up with Government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists. CNHC’s register is approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

You may be aware that the General Medical Council has amended its referral guidelines to include Accredited Registers when referring to practitioners who are not regulated by statute (see below).

Delegation and referral (2013)

8. Where this is not the case, you must be satisfied that systems are in place to assure the safety and quality of care provided – for example, the services have been commissioned through an NHS commissioning process or the practitioner is on a register accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. (Good Medical Practice)

And the report ‘Untapped Resources’, published in October 2017 by the Royal Society for Public Health, highlighted that:

“Practitioners registered with CNHC support public health by encouraging their clients to make a range of lifestyle changes. These include improvements to diet and nutrition, support with giving up smoking and losing weight, support with reducing stress, improving sleep, managing pain and other symptoms, as well as overall enhancements to wellbeing. All CNHC registrants are committed to enhancing the UK public’s health and wellbeing.”

I am a CNHC Registered Nutrition Therapy Practitioner in your area and am writing to provide information to your practice about my work.

As a CNHC registered practitioner I have demonstrated that I meet UK wide standards and abide by a rigorous code of conduct. My registration details plus further information about the CNHC’s work are available on the CNHC’s website.

I would be very interested in coming to speak to you about the potential for seeing patients from your practice where appropriate and can provide further information as required. I would be more than happy to offer introductory sessions or to speak at the practice meeting if this would be helpful.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Amanda Turner MSc Nutr Med, BSc (Hons), BA (Hons)
Registered Nutrition Therapy Practitioner mBANT, CNHC-registered
Certified Practitioner Institute of Functional Medicine
Member of College of Medicine
Supporter of integrative Healthcare
Ex-Pharma Rep 24+ years

Improving wellbeing with personalised strategies to make each individual’s life happier and healthier.