Functional Medicine Registered Nutrition Therapist

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is a holistic and science-led evolution in the practice of healthcare and aims to identify and address the root causes of health problems rather than just focussing on symptoms.

Like a health detective, I will look for clues from your health, nutritional, genetic and lifestyle history; refer you for private genetic or functional testing where necessary and use the latest nutrition science to provide a bespoke treatment package to support your journey to health.

Functional Medicine is about removing the causes of system dysfunction, recalibrating bodily systems and restoring optimal function.

Your body is made up of cells, tissues and organs which work together to form systems such as the endocrine (hormones) system, digestive system, cardiovascular system and immune system. These body systems use complex biochemical pathways which require nutrients from our diet to operate and function normally. They can also be influenced by an individual’s genetics, environment (including pollution, toxic exposure), emotional experiences, stress and wellbeing. Functional Medicine involves looking at what is driving your symptoms, by looking in depth at your health history, diet, current lifestyle patterns, stress burden and genetics. I often use laboratory tests to explore exactly what is happening in the body, investigating potential imbalances and addressing them to prevent disease and support the body back to optimal health.

Functional Medicine emphasises a definable and teachable process of integrating multiple knowledge bases within a pragmatic intellectual matrix that focuses on functionality at many levels, rather than a single treatment for a single diagnosis. Functional Medicine uses the client’s story as a key tool for integrating diagnosis, signs and symptoms, and evidence of clinical imbalances into a comprehensive approach to improve both the client’s environmental inputs and his or her physiological function.

The Functional Medicine Tree. Personalizing Lifestyle and Environmental Factors.
The Functional Medicine Tree © Institute for Functional Medicine

The Institute for Functional Medicine teaches health care professionals how to apply these principles in practice through an intensive 5-day training course called Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice™. This is the gold standard in Functional Medicine training so my clients are assured I am working to the highest level possible. Working towards full certification with The Institute for Functional Medicine, I built on the foundational AFMCP™ held in London in 2017. Since then, I have successfully completed all further intensive Advanced Practice Modules in cardiometabolic health, bioenergetics, gastrointestinal health, detoxification and environmental health, immunity and hormonal health. After many years of dedicated further study I passed the rigorous IFM Certified Practitioner exam and case study in 2022 and am one of the few IFM Certified Practitioners in the UK. I am passionate about the Functional Medicine Approach. I have worked with many complex conditions over the years and have gained a wide variety of experience while, of course, working in tandem alongside my clients’ medical teams for an integrated functional approach. As a Nutritional and Functional Medicine Practitioner, I also work with psychotherapists to help support mental health eg through a pandemic.

In addition to these studies, I am on a continuous learning path. As a BANT Registered Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, I am required to do at least 30 hours of continued professional development per year so my recommendations are always grounded in the latest developments in nutrition science.

Take more control of your health! Feel better, unlock empowerment effortlessly with lifestyle tweaks to improve vitality/health with confidence. Please email me to book a free 15-minute discovery call.